Get involved

If any aspect of Haven has interested you, here are some ways you can get involved: You can donate and for this, we would like to thank you in advance for your kindness.

Getting involved in Haven’s charity by participating in a charity walk is a great way to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

By walking to raise money for Haven, you can help support their mission to provide shelter, support, and empowerment to those who are in great need. Not only will you be supporting a good cause, but you will also be able to challenge yourself physically and mentally by taking on the walk.

Participating in a charity walk can also be a fun and social way to meet new people who share your passion for making a difference. By joining Haven’s charity walk, you can make a meaningful contribution to society while improving your own well-being at the same time.

As a volunteer at the camp, you will have the opportunity to work with medical professionals and assist in providing healthcare services to individuals who may not have access to them otherwise.

By contributing your time and expertise, you can help improve the health and well-being of those who are struggling with medical issues.

In addition to the personal satisfaction of making a positive impact on someone’s life, volunteering at Haven’s medical camp can also be a great way to gain valuable experience and skills in the healthcare field.

Whether you are a medical professional or simply someone who wants to make a difference, volunteering at Haven’s medical camp is a fulfilling and worthwhile opportunit.


Haven is a non-profit organization that relies on the generosity of sponsors to support their work at Atla.

The charity sponsoring program of Haven offers individuals and businesses the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of people living in poverty.

Sponsors can choose to support specific programs or projects, such as housing, education, or health, and can also provide general support to the organization.

We recognize the importance of building long-term relationships with sponsors and strive to ensure that they are valued and informed of the positive change they are helping to create. By becoming a sponsor of Haven, individuals and businesses can contribute to sustainable development and help to create a brighter future for communities at Atla.

Please donate to Haven

By attending our events and donating to their cause, you can help provide shelter, support, and empowerment to individuals and families in need. Fundraising events can be a fun and social way to meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for supporting a worthy cause. Your support can help Haven continue to provide essential services to those who need it most. Even if you are unable to attend an event in person, there are still many ways to support Haven’s fundraising efforts, such as donating online or spreading the word on social media. By supporting Haven’s fundraising events, you are helping to create a safer and more supportive community for all.

Please donate to MVCF