Haven Charity Privacy Policy, May 2018


Haven Charity (“we”) promise to respect any personal information you share with us, or that we receive from other organisations (eg. MBCF) and keep it safe. We aim to be clear about what data we collect, where, when and – most importantly – what we do with your data and why.

Developing a better understanding of members of the Haven community through their personal data allows us to make better decisions about the events and communications we offer, to fundraise more efficiently and, ultimately, to help us to further increase opportunity for villagers in dire need within the locality of Atla Village, West Bengal, India. Our marketing communications include news about our charity and the achievements of members, volunteers and supporters, as well as event & reunion invitations and, occasionally, fundraising campaigns.

We aim to communicate with you in line with the preferences you have selected. If, at any time, you would like to change the method by which we communicate with you, or to cease hearing from us all together, you can contact us at +44 (0)1483 776187 / info@havenharity.org to be removed from our emailing list. You can also choose not to have your personal information used in the way outlined in this privacy notice, simply by letting us know.

What personal information we collect about you

The types of information we might collect includes names, contact details, interests, correspondence, views of the charity, whether you are a member or not, your attendance at events and your successes and achievements as a participant. We may also collect professional details about your career and how and with whom you are happy to share your expertise, as recorded on our website which is the main platform of all our records.

Where and how we collect information about you

Haven Charity shares information about members and their families and friends when you join or support the charity as appropriate, and during your time as a participant. We may obtain personal information about you when you enquire about our activities, make a donation or otherwise provide us with personal information. Occasionally, we may obtain information from the public domain, for example via Companies House, in reputable newspapers or media outlets, on social media and networking platforms like Linked in (depending on your settings and/or their privacy policies), or through third parties.

What we do with your personal information

We may use your information to provide you with information about the charity, to supply merchandise and services you may request and to ensure we know how you wish to be contacted. We may also use your information to comply with legal and financial regulations (for example Gift Aid), to understand how we can improve our communications, events and services and to further our charitable aims. This may include informing you about our philanthropic ambitions and activities for widening access through the activities at our community centre in India and, occasionally, asking you to consider supporting us with a donation. We may also contact you to enquire whether you are willing to share your professional expertise with us as part of our health and educational development programmes for the local villagers of Atla Village, West Bengal and its surrounding areas.

We may also use data you provide, sometimes together with publically available information, to better understand our community, to make appropriate requests for support, to ensure our communications are relevant and timely and to target our resources effectively. In addition to Haven Charity, we may occasionally share some of your personal details with other organisations.

These organisations offer professional services to help us save resources and improve our ability to successfully raise funds. We will never share your details with another charity. To understand more about all our activities, including the kind of companies we may work with, see below.

Protecting your personal information

We take appropriate measures to ensure that the information disclosed to us is kept secure, accurate and up to date. For example, if a committee member or a fellow supporter requests your contact information we would always ask you if you are happy for us to disclose it prior to doing so.

Our basis for processing, your consent & rights of access

Our lawful basis for processing your personal information is called ‘legitimate interest’. This means that we believe that building a cohesive and engaged Haven community and raising funds from our community to widen access to our charitable work benefits us all. We have taken care to examine the impact on your privacy and believe we have a compelling justification for processing your information in the way that we do.

By providing us with your personal data, you consent to the collection and use of any information you provide, or we collect in accordance with the above purposes and this privacy statement. You do, however, have the right to withdraw consent for use of your data for any of these purposes at any time. You also have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in your information updated.


Please help us to keep your information and communication preferences up to date by notifying us at info@havencharity.org / +44 (0)1483 776187 or in writing to Haven Charity, 14 St John’s Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 7SE.

Further information about how we may share some of your personal information

Checking your address

We know from the returned mail we receive that people sometimes move house and forget to tell us. Periodically, we may therefore send the name and addresses of those from who we have had no contact in recent years, to a data screening company which uses publicly available information to check addresses. Where there appears to be a change, we will contact you to check the information. We will never change your details in our records without making contact with you. If we are unable to verify your details with you, we may decide to cease postal communications until we can make contact. Our aim is always to be in touch with those who wish to hear from us and to ensure we are not wasting precious resources.

Asking for donations appropriately

Occasionally, we may work with a professional screening company or a researcher. We only work with the most reputable and established firms to ensure the privacy and safety of your information. Using only information available in the public domain, these activities help us to manage our fundraising efficiently and effectively. They help us to effectively target and tailor our communications so that we can make appropriate requests to supporters who may be able to support us at a higher level. External data sources include publicly available information such as Companies House, Charity Commission and other charity registers, biographies on professional networking sites. Importantly, these activities enable us to raise more funds for life saving surgeries that are often needed, sooner, and more cost-effectively, than we otherwise would.

This privacy statement is reviewed regularly in line with the changing requirements of the law.